Same bowl, 7 years on!
Oil on Canvas - 2018

Fruit and decanter
Oil on canvas 2011
I know people think still life are boring but I really like painting them - and I like this. Anna Dale Harris has it up in her house and it looks lovely. It was the hardest painting to give away - but that is a good sign!

Still life - inspired by Jean-Baptiste Chardin
Oil on canvas 2009
This was a painting I did in Art Class. The idea was to take a painting by Chardin and re-interpret it, using a different palette and moving towards a more abstract style.

Fruit in bowls
Oil on canvas 2006
Owned by Tricia and Mark Alsop

Fruit and nut(s)
Oil on canvas 2005.
I think this was the first still life that I was happy with

Apple, on a floating plate
Oil on canvas 2007
I gave this to Cherry Denman for her 50th. Only later did I realise how ungrounded the plate is, but Cherry won't let me change it!